August 02, 2010

IDC reports worldwide notebook sales figures reveal, only Apple and Lenovo have sales grow.

IDC reports worldwide notebook sales figures reveal, only Apple and Lenovo have sales grow.

Acer is almost overthrowing thee HP notebook market has continued after the IDC to disclose sales figures for each notebook brand worldwide in the second quarter ago.

The number one remains at the HP Labtop sold worldwide to 8.51 million units to follow with the Acer with sales of 8.1 million units.

Say in this quarter shows that the two companies have reduced sales by Acer is the number decreased to 5.8% and HP decreased to 10.9%, which is no different from companies.

Others have reduced the number available as well, only Apple and Lenovo, but sales have only increased in the third is Dell. Available with a 5.52 figure.

Million, a decrease of 3.3% in the quarter, while Lenovo is ranked fourth with sales of 4.84 million units, an increase of 18.6% Toshiba is fifth with balance.

And sold 4.48 million units, followed by Apple Asus 3.93 million units with sales of increase up by 2.45 million from the new Macbook.

The number soaring to 37.6%, while the big manufacturers like Samsung Sony and Fujistu to be the last in the table.

Source : techspot

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