September 28, 2010

New Skype Supported 10 video call

Reveal latest version of Skype Beta 2 supported 10 video call

The team development chat program, the best known in the service free video call via Skype program. Posting of the Software Update the latest beta version through blog at the end of last week, which will have to increase video call to support of ten user with the same time, The program Skype 5.0 beta latest version is to increase the support of the service use video, or service conversation with the online between computer or between computer with mobile phones to be able to talk 10 video call at once.

In this version, which is the second beta version of the program Skype 5.0 by earlier in the first beta version has to offer video services with only 5 video call. Besides increase the ability to use 10 video services in the same time, there are changing to the new homepage offers the service, the details of payment and also a tips for the new user that need to start video call too.

In terms of use chat have to increase IM offline function to help user can send a message or receive a message from a friend in while they are offline. By the message will be preserved and exports when the user or friends came back online again.

By the second of beta version also addition the performance and reliable in the use of the video more, in which the interested parties can follow detail at by the user will be run operating system Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 only for those who use Mac will not be used in this year.

Source : CNET

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