If you are the owner of a laptop computer, you know how frustrating it can be when you are working on the laptop and your battery is low. If you are constantly on the go, it is sometimes difficult to find a place to plug in your computer to let it recharge. There are a few things that you can do to help you take care and extend the life of your laptop battery.
When using your battery on your laptop, remember use as little power as you can by adjusting the settings on the laptop. This will make your computer go inactive when not in use for a certain amount of time. Adjusting the power setting is easy if you go into the control panel and set the display time. It is also possible to adjust the brightness of the screen display to help the life of the laptop battery. Remember to turn programming off that you are not using. This will waste battery usage quicker. Also, running movies and videos will quickly drain the battery charge.
Another tip is to have an extra battery on hand. These are easily purchased. Have at least one fully charged always for a quick battery change. Some laptops can run with two batteries. Most laptops are also compatible with external batteries that can easily be added and changed when necessary. Battery charges that work in the car are also good options for anyone taking their laptops on trips. Also, if you are purchasing a new laptop computer, consider buying a smaller, lightweight version. These are more efficient and are able to run longer on a battery charge than the larger laptop versions. Following these basic tips can help extend the amount of time your computer can run with a battery.
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