June 02, 2011

A Laptop of My Own

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Working from home day after day and night after night on a borrowed laptop is no fun. Especially when it is borrowed back off you. So, therefore, I feel the time has come for a laptop of my own. Or doing I want desktop? A PC or Apple Mac? Or maybe one of those little palm-held jobs would look the part; after all, it would fit neatly in my handbag.

After much consideration and deliberation, I go full circle and end back at the laptop. However, where do I start? What are my requirements? Well, my business is a small one, so I don't really require anything top of the range. Yet! I'll use it mainly for article writing and up-dating my website. Oh! And maybe a spot of shopping! And I will be the only one using it. Probably!

So I have a look on the Internet to find out what other people are buying. And what manufacturers are selling. Suddenly the English language becomes muffled jargon. Do I really know what I want?

What memory is required? My husband, a programmer, insists 2GB is what is called for. Adding to that is the essential 2.0TB of storage! Whatever all that means! I'm not so sure! I fear him may have his own reasons for these specifications...

Dell is mentioned; so I go online for a browse. Having found one within budget that appeal and appears to tick all the boxes, I am suddenly confronted with an array of extras - all which push up the price.

So I pull the reigns in. Perhaps I don't really need a lap top of my own. Maybe my husband's will suffice after all.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be - well so much for Shakespeare - it seems to work for us...

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