January 17, 2011

Type of Barcode Scanners

USB Barcode ScannerAlmost every industry or organization uses barcode technology today regardless of size. Barcode may look like a simple combination of bar and space, but they are important devices to decode the barcode which is the key of product information. Barcode scanners are photosensors which read the barcodes and convert them into a readable text that is displayed and stored on a computer or laptop just takes few milliseconds.

Barcode scanners are probably the most widely used tools today. They are used in different industries, including service, education, manufacturing, inventory or even a healthcare. The high utility aspect and the popularity of the barcode scanners have resulted in the introduction of many varieties of barcode scanners.

Barcode scanner varieties are distinguished by their form factor and their scanning technologies should be chosen based on the application and requirements. The main difference in form factors is the amount of operator manipulation required. There are fixed-mount scanners, wand or pen-style scanners, and handheld scanners. There are 2D scanners, also called area imagers, laser scanners, CCD scanners, which are also called linear imagers, and omnidirectional scanners.

 Portable Handheld Wand Barcode Scanner w/Decoder
Wand or pen-style barcode readers must be swiped over the barcode at a consistent rate of speed and at a particular angle. They are engaging with small and very durable, although prices are a little expensive.

Fixed-mount barcode scanners read barcodes as they are passed in front of the scanner. just mounted at a specific angle and distance from the barcodes that will pass in front of them. They are widely used in work-in-progress applications and for high-speed sorting along conveyor systems.

New DATALOGIC SCANNING INC. Powerscan D8330 Barcode Scanner 35 Scan / Sec Linear Imager

Linear imager barcode scanners are also known as CCD scanners, and full array imagers. The linear imager barcode scanners more durable than laser barcode scanners, this scanning technology give you scanning by no moving parts but they do have a shorter reading distance of contact to two feet and for reading barcodes under plastic film or covering.

USB Automatic Laser Barcode Scanner High-visibility Bar Code Reader with Hands Free Adjustable Stand (Black)

Laser barcode scanners are the most popular scanning technology in the industry. Available in several variations to meet the needs of special applications or high density scanning.
Omnidirectional Barcode Scanners can read a barcode no matter how it is orientated. Typically used in retail environments and are available on-counter for limited counter space in convenience stores and ideal in high-volume applications for grocery stores recommend the in-counter models.

2D Barcode Scanners can capture 2D barcodes  Wasp WDI4500 2D Barcode Scanner
as well as linear barcodes. They are use a combination of digital camera technology and software to capture barcodes. Some models can also capture digital images and signatures.

Choose the barcode scanner based on your requirements and industry. With such a wide variety of barcode scanners in the market, Ensure types of barcode scanners that you buy the right and fit different working environments for your application.

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